Coming back from a long COVID-19 related touring hiatus, MsGyver will pick from where touring for 2020 was abandoned almost a full year prior. That last tour ended March 8th 2020, and in the following weeks, one by one, all touring plans (tours pencilled and inked in through fall of 2022) were binned.
From the end of January 2021 on, MsGyver is set to join the “Where the Gloom Becomes Sound Europa 2021” tour with Tribulation (Sweden), Bølzer (Switzerland), and Molassess (The Netherlands), as the package’s Tour Manager and backline technician.
Tribulation comment on the tour as follows:
“Now at summer’s end in the near endless year of trials and tribulations that is 2020, after a touring hiatus and a new album in the, so called, bag we are very happy to announce that we are yet again about to trek across the ancient body of Europa – over her flesh and through her veins – the land where the sun ever sets. And as fortunate as we sometimes are we will have both BØLZER and MOLASSESS aiding us in spreading the gloom in each of the 20 cities we are visiting. At this point we all need a little taste of Saturnalia and as so we encourage you all to join us in taking a step into the time before time, in illo tempore, and a step out of the profane everyday existence. Be open and let us possess you, at least for a night!”